Imitation packaging will be made from cheap materials. Newer Gucci bags come with a white dust bag with the Gucci emblem sewed on the front. Gucci purses come with high-quality dust bags, usually they are a light honeycomb or dark brown colour with a printed GG logo or the Gucci brand name. Watch out for broken threads and uneven stitching, these are signs of a counterfeit! Genuine Gucci bags’ stitching will be perfectly even, with thread that’s the same colour as the leather. Zippers, locks and other hardware should feature a Gucci engraving that has a high-quality finish with even spacing and official Gucci font. Genuine Gucci bags have high-quality hardware that is gold-plated or made of solid metal. It should be gold-plated, but in some cases the Gucci name or logo is embossed or printed on the leather.Ĭounterfeiters can’t replicate the hardware of authentic Gucci bags. The standard interlocking Gs are the standard logo, and it’s usually placed on the front of the bag, flap or closure. Fake monogram will have irregularities like different sized Gs and inconsistent spacing.ĭepending on the style, the Gucci logo on the exterior of the bag may differ. The left G should be forward-facing while the right G should be backwards and upside down.
Monogram-style Gucci bags feature the iconic double G logo, inspect the consistency and spacing of the pattern. Make sure it has a smooth texture that doesn’t feel rubbery like fake leather. It should have a natural leather scent instead of a chemical or plastic smell.
If you notice your bag is made of cheap “unnaturally perfect” machine-made synthetic material or fake leather – it’s probably a counterfeit! Real Gucci leather will have natural imperfections because it’s genuine leather. Keep reading and never get scammed again!Īuthenticating Gucci Bags and Purses Material QualityĪn authentic Gucci bag will be made of the finest quality leather and materials. To help you distinguish an authentic from a counterfeit, we’ve compiled a list of steps taken by our very own authentication team to determine the authenticity of Gucci shoes and bags.
#Gucci serial number how to#
Learn more about our authentication process.Gucci is definitely one of the most iconic fashion brands! But the Gucci market is flooded with counterfeits, so it’s important that you know how to authenticate Gucci bags and shoes! Authenticating Gucci products is a real skill as there is no one single way to determine whether it’s real or not. Designer Revival guarantees this is an authentic Black Louis Vuitton Oh Really! Platform Peep-Toe Pumps or 100% of your money back. Please note this is a pre-owned item that may display signs of wear consistent with the condition listed above and shown in photos. Exterior right sole is peeling, scratched and stained. Exterior left sole is peeling, scratched and stained.
#Gucci serial number serial number#
Serial number NL0190.Ĭondition: Pre-owned. The Oh Really! pumps features a patent leather upper, a peep toe opening, a back gold-tone padlock embellishment, a hidden platform, leather lining and insoles, a wrapped stiletto heel, and leather soles. Product Details: Black Louis Vuitton Oh Really! Platform Peep-Toe Pumps. Learn more about our shipping & return policy. Learn more about our authentication process.Įmail: items are final sale and cannot be returned. Designer Revival guarantees this is an authentic Black Celine Patent Leather Pumps or 100% of your money back.
Exterior right toe cap is scratched and stained. Exterior right sole is scratched and stained. Exterior left toe cap is scratched and stained. Exterior left sole is scratched and stained. These pumps feature a patent leather upper, leather lining and insole, and a rubber sole. Product Details: Black Celine Patent Leather Pumps.